Child First Mental Health Clinician-Ft. Collins
Child First Child First | is an evidence-based, early childhood intervention that helps very vulnerable families build strong, nurturing relationships that protect and heal young children from the devastating impact of trauma and chronic stress. Most families have experienced multiple challenges, including poverty, violence, depression, substance use, and homelessness. Research demonstrates that these adverse experiences damage the developing brain of the young child. Therefore, Child First works in the home with a two-pronged approach: (1) Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP HOME – Child-Parent Psychotherapy ( ), an attachment-based, trauma-informed, dyadic intervention which protects the brain from the impact of stress and trauma, and
(2) Care coordination that provides wrap-around services and supports for the whole family, decreasing “toxic” stress. In this way, Child First is able to decrease the incidence of serious emotional disturbance, developmental and learning problems, and abuse and neglect among young children (prenatal to age six years). This intervention has been designated by Health and Human Services (HHS) as one of the 17 national, evidence-based home visiting models under the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Initiative (MIECHV).
- Master’s or Doctoral level mental health provider (e.g., LMSW, LCSW, LMFT, clinical psychologist, other), required; licensed or license-eligible.
- Experience working psychotherapeutically with culturally diverse children and families, including parent-child therapeutic work and play therapy with very young children (0-5 years), for a minimum of three years. Past CPP training is highly valued.
- Openness to learning, capacity for self-reflection, and eagerness to participate in reflective clinical supervision.
- Knowledge of relationship-based, psychodynamic intervention and early child development; parent-child relationships and attachment theory; effects of trauma and environmental risks on early childhood brain development, especially violence exposure, maternal depression, and substance abuse; and community-level risk factors (e.g., poverty, homelessness).
- Experience providing mental health assessment and consultation to early care and education sites.
- Knowledge and experience working with adults with mental health, substance use, and cognitive challenges.
- Experience providing intervention within diverse home and community settings.
- Ability to speak a second language highly valued.
- Highly organized, self-motivated, reliable, and flexible (including willingness to work non- traditional hours, including some evening hours as needed.)
- Able to work as part of a team.
- Able to communicate well verbally and in writing.
- Comfortable with computers and experienced with Microsoft Word
EBA’s mission is to support families and strengthen communities through the high-quality implementation of evidence-based programs (EBPs). As a ‘production company’, we focus on the implementation issues back stage so that EBPs and community-based providers can be the ‘stars’ on stage. Over the past 15 years, EBA has served multiple states and counties in the areas of juvenile justice, child welfare, and behavioral health.
EBA offers a team of professionals with backgrounds in social services, juvenile justice, evidence-based programs, information technology and human resources. EBA’s interdisciplinary team brings a combined total of more than 150 years of experience in clinical services and program management related to community-based and evidence-based programs.
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MST Therapist white paper
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